Software can also be developed without writing code - low-code programming is suitable for these kinds of projects

Pasi Torri and Antti Heikkinen

Thanks to low-code, software users can provide feedback already in the early stages of the project.

Many of us still have the impression that software development means writing code in a dark chamber. Monk Latin that an ordinary layman cannot and does not want to understand.

However, low-code programming has brought entirely new dimensions to development. It can create something that the user, i.e., the customer, can concretely test and use very quickly.

So what is low-code programming?

- "It's essentially software development on platforms where development can be done without writing code," says Antti Heikkinen, senior developer at Develore.

Such a platform, in layman's terms a tool, includes Microsoft's Power Platform, which Develore and most other software developers use.

- Se keskustelee tiiviisti Microsoftin muiden tuotteiden kanssa. Voimme rakentaa samaan ekosysteemin helposti lisäominaisuuksia, koska esimerkiksi data kerätään samoista lähteistä.

In low-code development, there is one value above all others: it allows us to create something in just a couple of days that the customer finds valuable.

- It allows things to be quickly tested, and for example, application users can give feedback at a very early stage. These also don't require any heavy implementation processes, and the user interface is usually simple.

What is low-code suitable for?

Low-code development is not a Holy Grail that suits everything. However, there are many suitable use cases for it.

- "Low-code is very good for small projects that aren't worth spending too much time and money on. For example, simple, single-purpose applications for your own team's use, like for inquiring about frequently recurring things, work well," Antti Heikkinen illustrates.

Often, low-code development can be good at the beginning of a large project if the final vision and path to it are not yet fully clear.

- It can be used to lightly test various things. Often this then provides additional information and the project starts to develop.

Low-code development isn't wasted even if the project grows larger and requires writing code.

- The developed applications can be combined with a hybrid model into a larger project.

What is low-code not suitable for?

The temptation to use low-code development is great due to its speed and low costs. However, it's not suitable for all software development. For example, it may not be the best solution for consumer-oriented online stores.

- There are already highly advanced software available for that side. Of course, low-code platforms can be used to make online store extensions for internal use.

The line between where low-code is suitable and where it's not should not be drawn too sharply. For example, in larger software development projects, the sensibility of low-code should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

In some cases, low-code is suitable for larger development projects as well. Sometimes it's more sensible to develop software through a normal process.

- It's also possible to solve only the most suitable parts of a large project with low-code applications, in other words, do both.

However, larger projects are often worth starting with some low-code tools.

- It allows us to test more quickly what works and what doesn't, and users can have their say more easily already in the early stages of the project.

What software development method would suit you best?

Low-code development is a good way to create, for example, an application for the team about which restaurant they want to go to this week. It can make work life easier quickly and affordably.

It's also a good tool to get all users committed to development. Users don't need to know how to code to provide feedback.

- Our customers have indeed praised that thanks to this, there's a good spirit of collaboration in software development when feedback is collected and the application is developed with a low threshold.

What kind of software development model would suit you?

Contact us here, and let's arrange a meeting where we can think together about the best way for you to start software development!

Benefits of low-code

  • Concrete results quickly, even in a couple of days.
  • Affordable
  • Easy to test things.
  • Can be combined with larger entities.

Where not to use

  • In applications made for consumers.
  • In the development of software containing a lot of business logic, where traditional coding is usually an easier way.
Read more about Power Platform here: