Contact information

Would you like to hear more about our tailoring? Do you already have a development project in mind that you need help with?

Contact us, and let's talk more.

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Start your tailoring here
Contact by phone or email
Pasi Torri lähikuva

Pasi Torri

CEO, Partner
+358 50 409 8672
Come visit our office

Our office

You can find us in Helsinki near the waterfront of Sörnäinen, in the sunny corner of Lintulahti, and in the center of Lappeenranta, next to the IsoKristiina shopping center. Our door is always open, the coffee is on, and there's a smile on our lips. Welcome for coffee and a chat!


Develoren Helsingin toimisto

Lintulahdenkatu 10
00500 Helsinki

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Develoren Lappeenrannan toimisto

Raatimiehenkatu 22
53100 Lappeenranta

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Other information

Billing information

Business ID: 2142429-1

Purchase invoices are received electronically.
Billing address: 003721424291
Operator: Apix Messaging (003723327487)
Format: Finvoice

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